What would a full service school look like? In a time when everything seems stressful, what would it look like to not have to worry about school this year? How valuable would that be for parents? What does “full service” even mean?
At Brompton Community School, full service means that you can drop your child off at school in the morning & know that they have everything they need covered. When you register at BCS, your child will get school supplies, slippers (no shoes in class), their own personalized yoga mat (no sharing this year!), a healthy lunch every day, healthy snacks, + love. They will spend a lot of time outdoors, walking to the park, playing, jumping, learning, & breathing fresh air. So you can breathe a little easier. Backpacks are optional (no homework during the week). Heck, you don’t even have to send them in clean clothes. Chances are we’re going to send them home with dirt streaks, leaves in their hair, & rocks in their pockets.
So let’s talk about lunches this year. We’re working on a partnership with a local restaurant to provide nut free lunches every day. This year we’ll have individual bagged lunches for everyone. Classes will eat one at a time either at a table in our common area, or outside in the courtyard. No more worrying about what to pack in their lunch, no forgetting to put money on your student account (it’s covered in tuition), if the school lunch is healthy (it will be), best of all, no forgetting lunch at home. Well, really the best part is that parents can order lunch & come in to eat with us. Trust me, you’re going to want to.
Why do we offer such an extensive approach? Because it’s important that we support not just our students, but their families as well. No homework means less stress for parents at night. No electronics + copious amounts of outdoor time = less guilt when you hand over the iPad to get one last work meeting in. Amazing school lunches = less time at the grocery store fighting over scooby snacks. We’re parents too. We understand that the struggle is real. Like, really real. If we can make school the easiest part of your day, we’re going to do everything we can to make that a reality.
What can BCS do to make your life easier? What would a full service school look like for you? Leave us a comment and let us know how we can service the families of BCS even better.